876-377-0299 / queries@callensoftware.com
The Unified Modelling Language(UML) can be a powerful tool for conducting analysis and communicating requirements and various levels of design to stakeholders when used with understanding by professionals who have been properly trained to use it in a wide range of situations. Unfortunately, despite the fact that many are trained in its use in University, this training is often within the context of a course emphasising Object Oriented Design(OOD) or formal modelling of specifications.
UML is most useful when used appropriately for the context of the project and the stakeholder(s). In this series of short courses our trainer takes the time to focus on the use of UML within various contexts considering project type, timeline, involvement of stakeholders as well as project phase. While doing these courses, you will learn to value simplicity in modelling while increasing the impact of your modelling efforts in achieving optimal communication with both technical and non technical stakeholders.
*Each course is self contained and there is no requirement to complete one before the other. There is no prerequisite relationship between them
STEP 2: An invoice with appropriate charges and discounts will be sent to you within 24hours.
STEP 3: Make payment on or before the stated pay by date on invoice using one of the payment methods provided.
STEP 4: Receive an email 1 week before course begins with LMS login and STAR UML